Sebuah Karya dari Yohana Simamora: ‘Love To My Teacher’


 Miss Sarah looked into your eyes intently. "About what, Kevin?"

"He... I... I fell in love with you, Miss Sarah," I finally said in a low voice.

 Miss Sarah's face looked shocked. He smiled gently, but I also saw confusion in his eyes. "Kevin, I respect your feelings, but as a teacher, I have professional and ethical obligations that I must uphold.

BACA JUGA:Patut Dicontoh, Kiat SMPN 12 Lubuklinggau Disiplinkan Siswa

After saying those words, I felt as if time stopped for a moment. Those seconds felt like centuries passed. Miss Sarah was silent for a moment, trying to digest my words.

"I understand, Kevin," she finally said in a soft voice. "However, as a teacher, the relationship between teacher and student must remain professional. I respect your feelings, but I cannot respond to those feelings romantically."

Hearing those words, my heart felt like it was breaking. I tried to hide the disappointment behind a bitter smile. Even though I had been waiting for her response, this fact still hurt. I understand the importance of ethics and the boundaries that exist between teachers and students, but that doesn't change how I feel.

Miss Sarah saw my disappointment and tried to soften my heart with her words. "Kevin, you are a bright and talented student. I want to see you grow and be successful in your life. Let's keep our relationship as teachers and students with professionalism."

Although my heart hurts, I recognize that Miss Sarah is a responsible professional. He doesn't want to sacrifice his career and maintains his integrity as a teacher. I have to accept this fact and try to move on with my life.

Time went on, and although my feelings never went away, I learned to appreciate Miss Sarah as an excellent teacher. Every lesson he taught remains valuable and influential in my life. I learned to control my feelings and find joy in my academic and personal development.

BACA JUGA:Keunggulan SMA Alam Insan Mulia, Salah Satunya Siswa Berkesempatan Ikut Magang Bisnis

 High school ended, and I went on to college. However, in my memory, that unrevealed love story will always be imprinted. Miss Sarah is an inspiration to me, not only as a teacher, but also as a motivating person and teaches me to appreciate every moment in my life.

 The love I had for Miss Sarah may never have been reciprocated, but that experience taught me valuable lessons about love, sacrifice, and the limits of life. And even though love is forbidden, those memories will remain in my heart, reminding me of someone who once made me fall in love with my teacher.(*)

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